CACT Lanzarote received 90.000 more visitors in june and july than in 2019

These attractions designed by Cesar Manrique have experienced record influx of visitors during the summer




31 de agosto de 2022 (09:53 WEST)
Actualizado el 01 de septiembre de 2022 (10:50 WEST)
Benjamín Perdomo en Jameos del Agua

The Art, Culture and Tourism Centers of Lanzarote (CACT) received 579,668 visitors during the months of June and July 2022, which represents "almost 90,000 more than in the same months of 2019", when they received 493,122 visitors.

The figures recorded in these two months of this year also exceed those of the same period of 2018, when they received 515,349 visitors.

“These figures reflect the success of our proposal and the success of a management model that has focused its daily work on the work of César Manrique, and has surrounded it with a gastronomic offer that rescues the best of the traditional cuisine of Lanzarote and the creativity of our artisan fabric, which has found in our stores the best showcase to display its work”,  Benjamín Perdomo (CEO).

Benjamin Perdomo, CEO of the Tourist Centers, explained that this "notable" increase in the number of visitors and the profile of the new tourist that emerged after the pandemic, "who flees from the large group and prefers to enjoy the destination in a private vehicle with his family or friends" , have been the reasons why this summer the queues to access the Centers have intensified, especially in the Montañas del Fuego.

"The forecasts were very good, but the reality has exceeded all the expectations of the island tourism industry", Perdomo pointed out.

According to Perdomo, the Tourist Centers and the Cabildo of Lanzarote "are working, in a coordinated manner, to offer effective and lasting alternatives to a structural problem that has been repeated every summer for three decades", which is the existence of long queues. In this sense, he recalled the pilot initiative that is being carried out these days on the LZ-205 with the aim of decongesting the traffic generated at the entrance to the Cueva de los Verdes. “The result of this experience will allow us to carry out a diagnosis" to find the best solution to this problem also in the other centers, such as Timanfaya, where this issue has been more disturbing in high season.